commercial reel

Collection of hand keyed animation work for clients such as King, Ubisoft, Google and others.

games reel

Work on hand keyed animations for Batman Arkham Origins, Ikonei Island, Evil Genius and others.

talk animations for two separate podcasts

This first animation ‘Chococlate and Quiz’ was based on a sketch by the UK comedy podcast “Answer me this”. They enjoyed it and put it onto their website. This was quite fun to do as the sketch had quite a few options for different poses as the actors lines are quite exaggerated.

The second animation was based on a sketch by the UK comedy podcast “The Absolute Peach”. I had already attempted this animation before, but I wasn’t happy with it and went on to do “Chocolate & Quiz”. Later, I decided to give it another shot and it’s a lot more sharper than the first attempt.

red bandana

This was my first CGI fighting animation created using the stock models in 3D Hash Animation Master. Done in 2002, I had no idea about IK/FK sliders, locking feet, linking objects etc, so this was purely animated with a 2D mindset in regards that as long as there was a keyframe button, I just got on with it. I was learning kung fu at the time so the choreography was made with some of the moves that I had learnt in the classes, on top of being influenced by a truck load of martial arts films. The end sword fight was choregraphed by my friend  (I was learning a pole form at the time, but he was more of a sword type of person). It was great fun as we filmed ourselves rehearsing the scene outside his garden in slow motion (without the flips and splits! Our tight tendons didn’t allow our bodies to achieve such feats, so they were added later).
The most fun part was grabbing sound effects from different kung fu films and editing them in. The music is from Tenchu Stealth Assasins on the PS1.